Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Facebook Profile Maker
Friday, December 17, 2010
My Brushes With Fame 2011
If you don't know all of the people in the photos, you should! See their listings below the collage!
- Start of Dan for Mayor Fred Ewanuick -he was the Parade Marshall for the Oktoberfest Parade (& apologized for not being Ellen)
- Actress Patty Sullivan (Diane is in this pic & I took it) See her on CBC or starring on stage (after her maternity leave that is)
- Yummy Mummy Extrodinare Erica Ehm (@ Kathy Buckworth's book launch)
- Brendan O'Carroll creator of Mrs. Brown's Boys (in Toronto)
- Members of the band Mariana's Trench @ Hockeyfest
- Kathy Buckworth author/humourist @ her Springridge Farms event
- Fitz The Whip Vanderpool Boxing Champion @ Kidspark
- Brenda Halloran Mayor of Waterloo @MeFest
- Sue Warden of HGTV Canada's Craftscapes @ Season's Christmas Show
- Carlos Benevides Radio personality of 91.5 The Beat & Moustache enthusiast @ Movember Kick Off
- Dee Brun aka The Cocktail Deeva, what doesn't she do? Author, Bar Chef, Humourist TIARA WEARER!!!! @ Toronto Home Show
- Mike Holmes of HGTV's Holmes on Homes @ WLU
- John Placko of the Maple Leaf commercials @ ShesConnected Conference
- Silks the Prize Guy Radio personality of 91.5 the Beat who we always run into at random places (as you can see by the pic)
- Academy Award Winning Procducer of Titanic & Avatar Jon Landau @ The Museum (also w/ his Oscar!)
- Scott Stratten author/public speaker who was awesome enough to mention MeFest in his book (page 236 go look it up-I know you own it)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
What comes after #TiaraTuesday EASY it's #rembrWHENsday
So naturally when he told me about his idea for a new LOCAL hashtag, I wanted to help him out.
We're talking about #rembrWHENsday KW!
"It'll be a chance to share something from our community from times gone by that you remember. Like when the place to shop for toys was Hiway Market!"
Truthfully I have lived in Kitchener Waterloo all of my life so I could could come up with tons.
Here's my first #rembrWHENsday tweet
I was born in #kwAwesome back when GR RIVER HOSP was called KW Hospital #rembrWHENsday
Make sure to use the hashtag #rembrWHENsday in your tweet so we can all follow along!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What is #TiaraTuesday ?
It's a lot like #FollowFriday with a twist. If you receive a #TiaraTuesday shoutout then you are asked to PAY IT FORWARD with a #TiaraTuesday shoutout of your own (make sure to use the hastag so we can all follow along in the fun).
There's really no required criteria for a #TiaraTuesday shoutout, but here's some ways to play
- Upload a pic of you in a Tiara (we love them all even Dollarama Tiaras)
- Do something special for someone & let me know about it here, @those2girls
- send someone else a #TiaraTuesday shoutout with the reasoning why you are sending it to them
- If you know someone who's had a tough week, nominate them to give them something to smile about!
Remember after you get one, PAY IT FORWARD to someone else on twitter.
Now you've become a honourary member of the #TiaraARMY
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Was I Bliss-less by not attending #BlissdomCanada ?
Well for being someone that didn't attend I'll go with a three day conference with bloggers to meet, great and learn. It's about networking with other bloggers, brands & speakers.
Yes it does sound like somewhere I would have a fantastic time, but I wasn't able to go to Blissdom Canada. It wasn't that I didn't want to, it's just that the timing wasn't right for me.
I have saw first hand that when people don't get to go to certain events the little green eyed monster shows up. I've read it on twitter & facebook.
Personally I think that is ridiculous.
I was very excited for my pals that they were attending. They still included everyone not attending in the great happenings of each day. I read daily recap blogs. Live tweets during Keynote Speaking were sent to highlight important topics and I had a blast last night seeing everyone's pics of the Costume Party.
Today I asked on the #BlissdomCanada (hastag) if anyone is doing a recap of BlissdomCanada could they please send me a link to their blog? Within minutes I was getting replies. Everyone is happy to share what they learned.
So although I was unable to attend the inaugural BlissdomCanada I didn't feel left out. Instead I felt somewhat "in the loop"
That's the difference between jealously and supportiveness.
Bliss(domCanada) is what you make it!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
During the next few weeks the Wondermoms site is focusing on Dove. I admire their Real Beauty campaign, but it wasn't until a few weeks ago that it hit home.
I was getting ready to go out with my son. He came & stood beside me as I was doing my hair in the mirror & said "Mom why do you always have to do make up & hairstyles?" I said "It's just what I do to get ready for my day. Why don't you like it?" He replied with "No, then you don't look like you".
After my heart sank a little & followed by the Biggest I LOVE YOU hug ever, I thought of this video.
What do you think of it? Have you shown your kids? I did & I think you should too, just to see their reaction & talk about how it makes them feel.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
How much can change in just ONE year
Although it just seemed like something new, going to an event in Toronto with people I had never met before, who knew it was about to spur a string of events that would change my life?
I love the city I live in. I try to show off all it has to offer, but when I expanded my group of friend to a wonderful network of women from all over Ontario it changed me. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't unhappy with my life. It just became better than it already was. I was always social so meeting new people was never an issue to me. The difference was I met SUPPORTIVE people, something that was quite a rarity in my life (I have a few here in KW & if you're reading this post, count yourself as one of them). I went from cheering on others to being cheered on myself. Instead of being known as "easily excitable Lisa" , things in my life were beginning to excite others as well. I went from being known as the Pizza Girl to the Tiara Girl (a change I welcomed whole-heartily).
In early 2010 I thought it would all break apart. Things were not well for me in a job I had spent more that 20 years at. After all the time I had given to them, I was told that sales were more important than my safety & the safety of my friends who worked with me. The sadness & hurt from that statement stuck with me, and it was these wonderful women who cheered me up (& of course the people in KW who actually did care about my safety-those people get my undying gratitude & friendship. I can never speak how much their friendship means to me, so I write it instead). Spring came & I was embarking a new chapter. I had changed Full Time jobs, and the Spring MeFest had arrived. Now our local event had all of these wonderful women from all over Ontario coming to support our show.
Since spring my life seems to be a whirlwind of events, wackiness & Tiaras (just the way I like it), and to think it all started basically one year ago with a "TweetUp".
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Would You Date a STAYFREE Guy?
I'm wondering if Stayfree thinks that these will bring them the same hype?
I admit it. I couldn't keep a straight face the whole time. While you're watching this ad try to count how many times you laughed out loud.
It is infectious
So in addtion you can watch
So what's your choice the Vacuumer, the Cook or the Toy Maker
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day Trips = Major Fun with Minor Expense
Take a look at my family vacation highlighted in 5 mins of video
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Diane & I aka @Those2Girls on twitter were invited to bring our Tiaras & our pals to EZ STREET ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE in Cambridge.
It was really easy to get to. From KW just take 401 & get off at HWY 24. Head right on 24 (Hespler Rd). You'll see an A&W on the right & they are tucked in behind it
We played Lazer Runner a GAZILLION times. We blasted foam balls at each other in the Balladium. Tried not to crash in the Flight Simulator & found out just how bad my golf swing is in the Golf Simulator.
Jessica was so sweet to give us a tour & show us how to make the most of our EZ Street Experience!
We said we'd tell all of our pals what a great time we had, so she said have them come see for themselves & GET 35% OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's right, just mention that you follow Those2Girls on Twitter & Facebook or that you're a member of the Stuff To Do With Your Kids in Kitchener-Waterloo Group & you get a 35% discount!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Made it My Own
So it was time again for a drastic change. I searched around Google Images under Celebrity Hairstyles & found this

Now I know that I don't look anything like (nor will I ever look anything like) Katie Holmes, but I liked it because it was different.
I knew it wouldn't be an exact copy, nor would I want it to be, as I don't ever want to look like anyone else. We consulted, coloured & cut & here I am
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Herrles in a Tiara aka Meeting Tweeps!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
As you know I'm actively involved in the effort to bring #EllenToKW
The background story is here
So in order to get Ellen's attention Team #TiaraARMY (Diane, Linda, Beth & myself) went on a CHICKEN DANCE mission. It involved Facebook, Twitter & You Tube. Then the local radio, tv & newspaper got on board as well.
Now we just need to make sure the day's events reach Ellen DeGeneres.
Want to see what a fun day we had? Take a look
Now it wasn't all Traditional Chicken Dancing see what else happened
& to get an overall feel of what took place that day
It was so much fun! We are so glad the community came to support us! It hasn't been easy, like all things there's been "NAY" sayers so I keep my #TiaraARMY pals motivated with our new theme
Here's a quick vid of Linda's Thank-yous
& here's my list ...
(Pre Chicken Dance Prep Team)
Listed in order of apperance
Diane - for being my best pal & partaking in all of the craziness we cause
Linda - for coming up with all of this & letting me be apart of it all
Beth - for joining me on Twitter with all the @those2girls efforts
Alex - for saying YES to having his team perform for the event
Jenn - for lending me an dirndl
Sugar (Gay Isber) - for my Tiara
All my Facebook & Twitter Pals for helping me get the word out about our event
(During Chicken Dance)
All my pals that came & helped the effort by chicken dancing, videoing, carrying my stuff, ending up in random pics all over facebook & not being ashamed to be seem with me (that's the hardest part I think)
Listed alphabetically
Angel, Amy, Anthony, Carson, Deonne, Jacki, Melissa, Mallory, Nancy, Robbie & Terry
To everyone listed...
I wish I had bigger muscles so my hugs ment more & you truly know how much I appreciate all of you!
Okay so we're still keeping up with our attempts to get #EllenToKW
Keep watch at
as well as
& remember.....
that Ellen DeGeneres will respond to our #EllenToKW requests!
Think you can help with our 6 Degrees to Ellen? Do you know a way to get our messages to her? Please leave a Comment with your email. We truly want to hear from her!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
This spawned a Facebook group which hopes Ellen DeGeneres will come & be the Parade Marshall for the next KW Oktoberfest Parade (Thanksgiving Day in Canada).
Look at how many fans this page has already!
I was able to message Administrator of the page we hope to collaborate efforts to make this happen!
Now the question is How Do We Get Her Attention?
You take it one step further & take it to TWITTER!
For those not on Twitter here's my SUPER EASY guide to Twitter
Now to make sure we're all tweeting about the same thing make sure all of your posts have the #EllenToKW post in them
Here's mine from today
We're on a mission here in #Kitchener #Waterloo to get #EllenToKW who's going to RT 4 me?
The point of the hashtag it to make it searchable. If you click the hashtag in a tweet, all the other tweets with it will show up
***on the Twitter page you can put click it the #EllenToKW & then after they show up hit Save this search & then you can just click it on your side bar after that***
***on Tweetdeck a new column will show up & it will just keep listing tweets with that hashtag***
Once it catches on it will become a trending topic & then it basically becomes viral on twitter
So make sure you're following & get tweeting #EllenToKW
Want us to follow back? Just leave your twitter name in the comments section.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Chameleon that is me

On Saturday I looked like this (shorty on the left)

Would you recognize me?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Earth Hour Fail
Yes I turned off the hardrive, monitor, printer, tv, stereo etc.
So I almost complied.
You see my son has been home for the last few "lights out" events. We've played cards or made up a story in the past, but this time around he's at his Dad's. Actually I lied. He's with his Dad at the Billy Talent Concert (it's official my 10 yr old is now cooler than me).
Now what?
If I would have been smart I could have brought a quart of Ice Cream home & most likely be occupied with that for the better part of the hour, but like they say hindsight is 20/20.
So instead I turned on my little florescent tube in my kitchen & did the dishes. I read on twitter today that florescent bulbs emit less carbon gases than candles, so that must be true right?
So there's my confession. Am I an Earth Hour Fail?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Young Artists For Haiti
This is a list of artists that participated & how you can support the cause
Young Artists For Haiti's version of K'Naan's 'Wavin' Flag' is now available on iTunes. Get Here:
Here is a full list of all the great artists who participated:
Nelly Furtado
Avril Lavigne
Sam Roberts
Pierre Bouvier (Simple Plan)
Tyler Connolly (Theory Of A Deadman)
Kardinal Offishall
Jully Black
Josh Ramsay (Marianas Trench)
Jay Malinowski (Bedouin Soundclash)
Chin Injeti
Jacob Hoggard (Hedley)
Red 1
Derek Whibley (Sum 41)
Serena Ryder
Emily Haines (Metric)
James Shaw (Metric)
Hawksley Workman
Pierre Lapointe
Corb Lund
Fefe Dobson
Jim Creegan (Barenaked Ladies)
Tom Cochrane
Kevin Parent
Lamar Ashe
Colin James
Nikki Yanofsky
Suzie McNeil
Stephan Moccio
Aoin Clarke
Kathleen Edwards
Jim Cuddy
Stacey McKitrick
Jessie Farrell
Colin MacDonald
Justin Nozuka
Hayley Sales
Matt Mays
City & Colour
Pat Kordyback (Stereos)
Dave Faber
Brandon Lehti
The Canadian Tenors
Justin Bieber
Torquil Campbell (Stars)
Broken Social Scene
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Mabel's Lables BlogHer Contest entry
How I came to be….. ME…..finally!
All my old report cards say “If only Lisa would talk less, she’d do much better in class”
That’s me & that’s why I love the internet! My ability to gab on & on is appreciated here. It took a while to figure this out. I was always a planner. Someone’s birthday, charity event etc, I was always the one to step up to the plate & put it together. Unfortunately all of my creativity would go unappreciated. I’d do all the planning & people cancelled.
I scaled back. No more celebrations. This ended up hurting myself. It was my creative outlet & I became Hum Drum.
One day I placed an online ad wondering if anyone would want to attend a friendship group.
I received lots of responses, it took off & I met my TRUE best friend. Someone with the same values, ambition, & gusto that I have.
We made so many connections that we created our own event. We used Facebook & Blogs to make contacts & create a buzz in our town. The contacts became vendors which then became our friends!
Then I discovered Twitter & found out that we can keep expanding our friends to other areas outside our fair city.
So the internet has helped me come into my own.
By the way there’s a storm a brewin’ that might wipe out the internet. So I’ll just mention this to the Twitter Dream Team.
@KathyBuckworth will drop a line to RIM (they won‘t let their company be left in the dust), @Unmarketing will use the Force (being a JEDI of twitter) & @YummyMummyClub will get 1000’s of Moms together (because Moms can fix anything). Don’t worry pals it will all be fine.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Help Me Out-What Colour Polish?
I need your input.
Over the next couple weeks I have some BIG CHANGES happening!
No longer will I be the PIZZA GIRL (who am I kidding, I'll always be the Pizza Girl in spirit).
I'm slowly going to De-Pizzafy myself.
I'm going to do things that I could never do & am hoping for suggestions from YOU!
Being that I work with food I'm not allowed to wear Nail Polish. After next week that all changes.
No more pizza = beautiful nails!
My question of the week is WHAT COLOUR NAIL POLISH SHOULD I BUY?
You can let me know below, or tweet it to me @those2girls
It's also helpful if you can tell me where to buy it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My Hands ARE SMALL, but I know they can still help
Lyrics to Hands by Jewel
If I could tell the world just one thingIt would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is wastefulAnd useless in times like theseI won't be made uselessI won't be idle with despairI will gather myself around my faithFor light does the darkness most fearMy hands are small, I knowBut they're not yours, they are my ownBut they're not yours, they are my ownAnd I am never brokenPoverty stole your golden shoesIt didn't steal your laughterAnd heartache came to visit meBut I knew it wasn't ever afterWe'll fight, not out of spiteFor someone must stand up for what's right'Cause where there's a man who has no voiceThere ours shall go singingMy hands are small I knowBut they're not yours, they are my ownBut they're not yours, they are my ownI am never brokenIn the end only kindness mattersIn the end only kindness mattersI will get down on my knees, and I will prayI will get down on my knees, and I will prayI will get down on my knees, and I will prayMy hands are small I knowBut they're not yours, they are my ownBut they're not yours, they are my ownAnd I am never brokenMy hands are small I knowBut they're not yours, they are my ownBut they're not yours, they are my ownAnd I am never brokenWe are never brokenWe are God's eyesGod's handsGod's mindWe are God's eyesGod's handsGod's heartWe are God's eyesGod's handsGod's eyesWe are God's handsWe are God's hands
Saturday, January 23, 2010
How Dollarama Helps Me, Help Haiti
I know there is so much more that can be done, but this is my contribution.
Dollarama Stuff
Yes you heard right stuff from Dollarama will help those in need.
Yesterday @Flourishflorals tweeted this link
Which had this info
MCC is asking for donations of 20,000 relief kits as part of its response to the Haiti earthquake. Thank you for joining this response. Relief kits provide valuable supplies to families traumatized by war and disasters. In recent years, kits have been sent to Iraq, Gaza, Bosnia, Serbia, Nepal, Mozambique, Indonesia and Honduras.
Contents (NEW items only)
4 large bars bath soap (leave in wrapping)
1 plastic bottle shampoo (380-710ml / 13-24oz; place bottle in a re-sealable plastic bag)
4 large bars of laundry soap (Some stores carry Fels Naptha, Sunlight or Zote brands; contact your local MCC warehouse with questions)
1 squeeze-tube toothpaste (minimum 130ml / 6oz; leave in box)
4 adult-size toothbrushes (leave in packaging)
4 new bath towels (medium weight, dark or bright colors)
2 wide-tooth combs(6 to 8in / 15 to 20cm)
1 fingernail clipper
1 box adhesive bandages (minimum 40, assorted)
1 package sanitary pads (18-24 thin maxi)
Place contents in a box or bag and deliver to one of the drop-off locations in Canada or the U.S. The kit will be re-packed in a new 5-gallon plastic pail with lid.
Looking at the list I realized I can purchase a majority of it at Dollarama. So that's what I did!
I got everything except the laundry soap bars. They have them, but they are unwrapped, so I'll get some at the grocery store tomorrow.
I spent less than $20 for all of this.
I hope to drop it off early this week
(the site lists all the drop off locations)
So even when you think you're little donation is just a drop in the bucket, look how much my drop will provide!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's time to get down to blogging blissfulness!
Last week I mentioned I wasn't doing the whole Resolution thing, instead I'm tracking what I've accomplished. Find out why here
So here's a log of what I was able to do last year (by the way it's mostly from my blogs & my bad memory, so if I forgot something please let me know)
January 2009
2008 had ended on a great note. My best pal Diane & I had just hosted our 1st MeFest event & vendors were asking us to organize another one for the spring!
Also in January I started this blog
& tried my best to make it fun & interesting to all.
I read THE POWER OF NICE that I received the month before from a gift exchange. I loved the book & found out that there was a 2nd one coming out called THE POWER OF SMALL (which describes me perfectly on so many levels!) . I contacted the site & asked if it would be available in Canada. They weren't sure so they sent me a copy of it!
Not too much happened in February as we were in full swing for our 2nd MeFest
March 2009 I met Carol & learned a lot about blogging! She's one smart cookie!
Then April 2009 hit WITH A BANG! We hosted another successful MeFest. We started a Those2Girls blog & doing weekly postings for the
What was next TWITTER. Okay I can't say enough about how much I love twitter. I think I learned the power of twitter the night we helped @BoredMommy win the title of the Mammavation Mommy. Not quite what she expected, but that night so many women connected to help her gain her title.
AWESOME was the only way to describe that night.
So May 2009 was a lot of downtime (which really means learning to tweet)
June 2009 We started a cleaning challenge on the Those2Girls blog. I didn't accomplish as much as Diane did, but I did give it go.
You see I was too busy becoming an official YummyMummyClub member (2nd row at the bottom, pic on the right)
July 2009 was very rainy here in KW, but this was the best pic of the summer
In August I did an interview for Prospere Magazine featuring @Hullabaloo519
I also started writing a blog for parents of Tweens. Here you can see how my son made it in the newspaper
September 2009 We went to the Hockey Hall of Fame & everyone's favorite chuckle the LEGO post happened
What else happened that month? We got our Tiara pic! We started a mission to get Diane's daughter to #1 for a mall shopping spree thanks to our twitter & facebook friends & wrote an article for the YummyMummyClub
Along came October 2009 which currently holds the reigning BEST DAY EVER We had our 3rd (& very successful) MeFest. Also that day I got to meet a lot of my Yummy Mummy pals at Nursery School Musical. That was an amazing day!
Next up twitter was a buzz with everyone trying to win Tassimo machines. We were trying to get them for ourselves & each other. That's the best thing about twitter! We're all in this together.
I also wrote this
Guess what arrived in November?
& I got to meet another twitter pal @BusterRhinosBBQ & look what he brought me
December came & the idea came for this post (inspired by this post I wrote for AMotherWorld )
I thought it was time to kick back & think of all of my accomplishments & then this happened.... I'm now a monthly contributer to WonderMoms
But enough about me. Here's what's going on with my pals & what they've accomplished, about to accomplish &/or changing their outlook towards 2010
@JackiYo is about to try something new
@AmericanNanny is favouring revelations
@CocktailDeeva is going to give it the old college try is pondering the what ifs???
@1ofthose2girls is setting some goals
@NoFlashCards is doing what she loves most
What are you doing? I'd love to see your New Year's post & link it to this. Just leave a comment with your blog URL
Come celebrate with us!