Back to see my Bloggy Buddies!
Hey thanks for taking a look
Just wanted to let you know about a great group of people that I hang with once a month.
Which stands for Region of Waterloo Marketing Group
We meet once a month at the Basil Cafe in Cambridge (YUMMMY).
I first started going a few months back. Since then we've gotten to know the owner of the Cafe & he now knows I like extra foam in my Chai Tea Latte.
The service is great & the food is amazing, but what's more amazing than that?
Well it would be my new Internet Marketing pals!
When we (myself & Diane over at the blog ) 1st went, we weren't sure what if we would fit in as we aren't techy.
As always I like to be "the sponge" & take in all kinds of new info.
We thought we'd learn new ways to help promote MeFest (shameless self promotion of the event)
BOY did we ever learn a lot!
Carol & Melanie are so approachable & put things into terms that newbies like me can understand.
They are a great Mother/Daughter team & are so knowledgeable!
Want to know what surprized me? They were interested in knowing about Facebook & eventually Twitter since I had just stumbled upon that at the time as well.
It's so great to learn & share info between each other.
That's why I always look forward to going.
If you're on twitter here's the @'s of some of the #ROWMKTG members.
@those2girls (Diane & myself) also @hullabaloo519 @TorontoCarol @JackiYo & @WendyHoomo
I know it sounds like an early #FollowFriday to most tweeps out there, but if you are in the Cambridge Ont area on Monday Sept 21st we'd love to meet you there!
Discover the Magic of Self-Care with a New Reels Series!
With the popularity of the DECEMBER HACKS REELS, I have decided to start a
New Reels Series about SELF-CARE!
Are you ready to transform your self-ca...
20 hours ago