I know it's been a bit since I sat & actually wrote something. You seen the past few months have been a whril-wind (is that how you spell that?)of excitement leading up to my newly deemed BEST DAY EVER! Now please note I've had lots of BEST DAY EVER events IE son being born, starting the SYS Group, Girl's Weekend etc. These events don't loose their BEST DAY EVER status when a new one arrives. Kind of like being Prime Minsiter or Presdient, you get to keep the title. Like I said one doesn't replace another in the line up, but which ever is the most recent is known as BEST DAY EVER (currently). Now back to the info. If you are a blog reader of mine, you know that I was gearing up to co-host the 3rd MeFest.

Along the way a 2nd event was to occur on the same day. Some of my twitter pals (which you may recognize below) decided that Saturday October 3rd would be a great day to meetup up at Nursery School Musical, a production that was written, produced and directed my by new twitter pal Racheal McCaig.

It was an opportunity to meet the women that I spoke to regularly since I got on Twitter (Thurs March 19/09 -luv that Tweetdeck keeps track of that for me!)

Well I figured the trip wouldn't be doable for me as it was the same day as MeFest. I usually clock about 2 hours sleep before MeFest & I don't think that bodes well for a trip on the 401. Then I saw that two of the vendors from MeFest Michelle Peer of Hullabaloo Party Planner for Children

and Jacki Yovanoff of Primerica,
were planning on attending. I mentioned that they must have forgot that MeFest was the same day, but these HARD CORE TWITTER FANS said they were going to the play. I did what any Yummy Mummy Twitter gal would do in that situation...... Asked if I could tag along. and as you can see

They said YES! Here's some pics from my BEST DAY EVER (currently) First the most Positive Pampering and Lifestyle show in KW MeFest - A Celebration of You!
Look Racheal came to MeFest even though it was closing night of our show. How great was that?
If you have 7 minutes you can put yourself in a good mood by watching the slide show (yes of course there's peppy music!)
Over at
Next road trip to see Nursery School Musical & after party at C'est What?

So there you have it, the MOST CURRENT Best Day Ever. I'm not sure how long it will reign supreme, as Those 2 Girls are heading back to Toronto for THE NATIONAL WOMEN'S SHOW/GIRLS WEEKEND on Oct 24th-25th and who know what's in store for us then.....
Yours in FUN TIMES
PS Want to meetup up with us in Toronto? Leave a comment or send me at tweet @those2girls !
Yes true the weekends away seem to become the best ever too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can hardly wait two weeks away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow - congratulations on your anniversary! :)