It's that time again. Works for Me Wed. from the great site
(check there for handy tips)
In keeping with my multi-managing theme, I've now moved on to Financial Managing. I am not an overspender nor am I the most frugal person you will meet, but I don't like to waste money that's for sure. I have had several birthday parties for my son in the past & I try not to put junk in the grab bags. Sure you can load up on dollarstore finds, but once the child plays with it once it ends up in some junk drawer somewhere. I say that's a waste of money. When I put my son's grab bags together we theme them so they are fun, but still make them to last.
The big item in all of the grab bags is a music CD. I download music for whatever theme we're going with (usually 5 or 6 songs) & fill the rest with Disney Tunes, Themes from TV shows he watches & fun songs (like Lollipop, Lollipop. oh lolly lolly pop etc). We then make enough copies for the whole party. Get dollar store CD cases & print off inserts with a pic of that years theme & the list of songs. All the kids look forward to that year's CD. We've done Bob the Builder, Scooby-Doo, Spider-Man, Sponge-Bob, Star Wars (can you see how it changes each year he gets older?). It's also a record of what he liked at that age.
The next thing we get is some sort of themed snack. Usually the Betty Crocker Fruit Snack (ie Scooby-Doo, Spider-Man), but one year we were able to get Sponge-Bob Dunkaroos
We then get a few fun things like temporary tattoos, punching balloons or stickers in that theme
& then finally we add something useful like a pencil in that theme.
Instead of tieing them up we just fold the top of the bag down & tape it shut. One year we just went with Dollarstore ziploc bags instead. The kids are just as happy & everything stayed sealed in.
Please feel free to post any birthday party tips you have or let me know what you thought of my party trick!
Have a great day
When the rubber bracelets were "in" my son amassed many of them. I included some in his guest bags one year. I've also used coupons for places kids like to go. Putt-Putt is always giving them away.
ReplyDeleteI like that you think this through rather than just tossing in whatever. I try to do that at halloween, too. Kids get enough junk as it is, yeah?
Great idea! Yes I do the Wendy's frosty coupons for the kids I know at Halloween too
ReplyDeleteThanks for the commment
What a great idea! My son's birthday party is Saturday, and I was just at the dollar store. :) I picked up the paper goods, but I wasn't really wowed by the toy selection. The CD is a smart idea. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLet me know how it goes over Deborah
ReplyDeleteYour music CD is a good idea, but isn't there a copyright issue with distributing the music? I supposed it's OK to do so since it's not intended for resell, and it's privately used. Thanks for the ideas!