Today on twitter @YummyMummyClub asked
Why do brides give up their names when they marry? --> Did you? Why - why not?
It's a link to an Oprah site on that subject.
I decided that I needed more than 140 Characters to answer it.
When my at that point boyfriend & I decided to move in together, my parents were full of DISAPPOINTMENT & DISAPPROVAL.
Being that we were both from Catholic families this was a BIG NO NO!
I was 19 & ready to leave home, but not yet ready to get married, but knew that marriage would be the step after that.
Still this did not go over well with my side of my family & I was basically shunned.
His family on the other hand were delighted that we were taking this step together.
After 2 years of living together we did get married. I was happy to take on the name of the family that had accepted me into their lives.
As they say, time heals all wounds & my family suddenly were okay with the situation (now that we were married, & in a Catholic church to butte!)
After being married for many years, situations changed & I am now divorced. Many wonder why I haven't gone back to my maiden name?
My answer to them is....
I want the same last name as my son. Who can argue with that?
(& as an added bonus, I still have a great relationship with his side of the family, so why mess with a good thing!)
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1 week ago
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