Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mabel's Lables BlogHer Contest entry

My entry to the Mabel's Labels BlogHer Search

How I came to be….. ME…..finally!

All my old report cards say “If only Lisa would talk less, she’d do much better in class”
That’s me & that’s why I love the internet! My ability to gab on & on is appreciated here. It took a while to figure this out. I was always a planner. Someone’s birthday, charity event etc, I was always the one to step up to the plate & put it together. Unfortunately all of my creativity would go unappreciated. I’d do all the planning & people cancelled.

I scaled back. No more celebrations. This ended up hurting myself. It was my creative outlet & I became Hum Drum.

One day I placed an online ad wondering if anyone would want to attend a friendship group.

I received lots of responses, it took off & I met my TRUE best friend. Someone with the same values, ambition, & gusto that I have.

We made so many connections that we created our own event. We used Facebook & Blogs to make contacts & create a buzz in our town. The contacts became vendors which then became our friends!

Then I discovered Twitter & found out that we can keep expanding our friends to other areas outside our fair city.

So the internet has helped me come into my own.

By the way there’s a storm a brewin’ that might wipe out the internet. So I’ll just mention this to the Twitter Dream Team.

@KathyBuckworth will drop a line to RIM (they won‘t let their company be left in the dust), @Unmarketing will use the Force (being a JEDI of twitter) & @YummyMummyClub will get 1000’s of Moms together (because Moms can fix anything). Don’t worry pals it will all be fine.

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