I finished up Earth Hour & this time around it was a bust!
Yes I turned off the hardrive, monitor, printer, tv, stereo etc.
So I almost complied.
You see my son has been home for the last few "lights out" events. We've played cards or made up a story in the past, but this time around he's at his Dad's. Actually I lied. He's with his Dad at the Billy Talent Concert (it's official my 10 yr old is now cooler than me).
Now what?
If I would have been smart I could have brought a quart of Ice Cream home & most likely be occupied with that for the better part of the hour, but like they say hindsight is 20/20.
So instead I turned on my little florescent tube in my kitchen & did the dishes. I read on twitter today that florescent bulbs emit less carbon gases than candles, so that must be true right?
So there's my confession. Am I an Earth Hour Fail?
March Break, KW Titans, St. Patrick's Day and more March 2025 Stuff to do
in Kitchener Waterloo
Please check all the links listed as info tends to change without our
knowledge. We also suggest you go through the full list as some activities
1 week ago
What better time to have a MeHour then during EarthHour... take advantage of those times that you can spend with the most important person in your life, YOU!