I'll be posting about Earth Day later. Right now is my overview of Thermography & what I learned about it on the weekend.
Being a female, the whole Breast Cancer thing is something I wonder about a lot. I'm too young for a mamogram, & am never really sure if the self breast exam is right.
On Sunday I had the priviledge to meet
Mary Kubisewsky
Breast Cancer Survivor who owns the
Thermography Clinic in Kitchener
I will only go over this briefly as I think it's better to hear her story the way she tells it.
She told us about how she was always worried about her other breast's health. She did a lot of research about early detection & came upon Thermography.
This new early detection method uses infered (not sure on the spelling) sensors to dectect warm spots in your body after your body has been exposed to the cold shock of putting your hands in very cool water.
These warm spots DO NOT MEAN that you have breast cancer, but it can show your risk factor if you keep living the same lifestyle.
She then sends the results to Dr. Alexander Mostovoy at his Toronto clinic.
He then analyses the results & gives recommendations on things you can do to change the course you are on.
We saw an example of a patient who should many warm spots which put her at high risk. Dr. Alexander Mostovoy suggested that she cut out coffee, exercise, take recommended supplements etc. A year later the same patient was photographed & her warm spots were gone & her body read at a much cooler temp.
This method of early dectection can be used at any age & gives you a chance to take steps & change your lifestyle for the better.
If you are in the Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario area please try to come to the info session listed below
Thermography Clinic Kitchener invites you to a seminar with speaker: Dr. Alexander Mostovoy,
Topic: Thermography: The Science of Breast Screening
On: Thursday, May 7th/09 at 7:00p.m. at the Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. N.
Seating is limited (only 60), so register ASAP to reserve your seat by e-mailing: mhtml:%7B9CC4459E-4DCD-4D83-BCCD-7340F678B880%7Dmid://00000076/!x-usc:mailto:info@thermographyclinic-kw.com
or calling 519-575-6801.
A $2 donation to defray the cost of the room rental and equipment would be appreciated!
Mary Kubisewsky
Breast Cancer Survivor
Thermography Clinic Kitchener
I hope you did something great for Earth Day!
Keep Smiling!
March Break, KW Titans, St. Patrick's Day and more March 2025 Stuff to do
in Kitchener Waterloo
Please check all the links listed as info tends to change without our
knowledge. We also suggest you go through the full list as some activities
1 week ago
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