Thursday, April 30, 2009

You know me always trying new things!

Hey Blog Reading Buddies!

Do you ever seem to notice that all the great family events that are low cost are usually entertaining for very young children?
My son is 9.5 & other than going Mini-Golfing & organized sports there is not much out there. Diane & I hope to change that. If you have kids then check out
also join our facebook group
Have a fun event LOW COST or FREEEEEEEE (my favorite word) event for children of ALL ages? Send me a message & I'll post it!
I hope KW will realize there is a need for this! Don't you agree?

Until next time
Keep Smiling!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Getting to know Twitter

I'm linking this to WORKS FOR ME WEDNESDAY over at

Twitter is new to me, & as awkward as I was with it just 2 weeks ago, I seem to be navigating around it very well!

If you're a facebook addict (as I am, truthfully it's my home page), this will become a new enabler for your habit. You can get a whole NEW set of friends that don't know you!-ha! For me it's so fun. I have both friends I know & others who share common interests with me. Now with Twitter I have all that plus MORE!
One of the speakers from THE SECRET (which I am a fan of for many years now) has joined us as a follower! He found us first! Sure we follow some celebrities, but I'll repeat it HE FOLLOWED US! & of course we now follow him. SO COOL!
We'd love to have you follow us too

If you're in the Kitchener Ontario area, we're having a contest for our followers. We're giving away passes to the Grand Life Show @ Bingemans this weekend. Follow us & perhaps they might become your free passes!

TWITTER WORKS FOR ME! Does it work for you?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day & Thermography

I'll be posting about Earth Day later. Right now is my overview of Thermography & what I learned about it on the weekend.

Being a female, the whole Breast Cancer thing is something I wonder about a lot. I'm too young for a mamogram, & am never really sure if the self breast exam is right.

On Sunday I had the priviledge to meet
Mary Kubisewsky
Breast Cancer Survivor who owns the
Thermography Clinic in Kitchener

I will only go over this briefly as I think it's better to hear her story the way she tells it.
She told us about how she was always worried about her other breast's health. She did a lot of research about early detection & came upon Thermography.
This new early detection method uses infered (not sure on the spelling) sensors to dectect warm spots in your body after your body has been exposed to the cold shock of putting your hands in very cool water.
These warm spots DO NOT MEAN that you have breast cancer, but it can show your risk factor if you keep living the same lifestyle.
She then sends the results to Dr. Alexander Mostovoy at his Toronto clinic.
He then analyses the results & gives recommendations on things you can do to change the course you are on.
We saw an example of a patient who should many warm spots which put her at high risk. Dr. Alexander Mostovoy suggested that she cut out coffee, exercise, take recommended supplements etc. A year later the same patient was photographed & her warm spots were gone & her body read at a much cooler temp.
This method of early dectection can be used at any age & gives you a chance to take steps & change your lifestyle for the better.
If you are in the Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario area please try to come to the info session listed below
Thermography Clinic Kitchener invites you to a seminar with speaker: Dr. Alexander Mostovoy,

Topic: Thermography: The Science of Breast Screening

On: Thursday, May 7th/09 at 7:00p.m. at the Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St. N.

Seating is limited (only 60), so register ASAP to reserve your seat by e-mailing: mhtml:%7B9CC4459E-4DCD-4D83-BCCD-7340F678B880%7Dmid://00000076/!
or calling 519-575-6801.

A $2 donation to defray the cost of the room rental and equipment would be appreciated!

Mary Kubisewsky
Breast Cancer Survivor
Thermography Clinic Kitchener

I hope you did something great for Earth Day!
Keep Smiling!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Morning All!

Just a quick blurp. Yesterday I learned about thermography & how amazing it is.
I don't have time right now to do a full a post, but stay tuned.

Have a great day!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ideas from everywhere!

Happy Sun is shining day! (not an official day, but nice to see anyway)

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. It's not that I've been that busy, it's that I've been try to slow down a bit to be refreshed for GREAT THINGS to come!

Not exactly sure what they are, but I always have my wheels turning. My criteria simply is IT MUST BE FUN!

If it's not fun to put together, I want nothing to do with it. I only want to do fun things.

Right now I'll start concentrating on the upcoming SYS schedule.

If you're a new follower to my blog, it's a women's friendship group that I organize. It's truly called See You Sunday, pronounced sis.

We do something different every Sunday. It's so much fun. It's my treat to myself every week.

Next I'll be working on some projects for Those2Girls! We have a few ideas in the works, just need to start putting an actual plan together.

Like I said if it's fun, I'm all for it. Now if only cleaning my house was a fun social event-ha!

The other thing that's caught my attention is TWITTER. I'm trying to update lots to gain lots of followers. If you enjoy this blog, why not follow me on Twitter as well!

When you join twitter search for


When you see the pic of the girls eating mini-cupcakes (like the one in this post), you'll know right away that's me on the left & Diane on the right.

Do you Twitter? If so let me know what you like most about it.

Well the washing machine stopped so that's my cue to sign off.
Keep Smiling!


Monday, April 13, 2009

Twitter Advice

Twitter Advice
So the new BIG thing is TWITTERSo I'm on with Diane & we're those2girls don't know much about it, so it's a learning processIf you have any advice, let me know.Also if you start Following us, just let me know & we'll follow youOkay so you need to update a lot, so I guess I'll twit about this later

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Hi Everyone
Sorry for the hiatus, during the month of March it was hard for me to find some Sunny things to write about (car problems, vandalism, speeding ticket, computer meltdown), but that is in the past,
Which meant so did MeFest!!!!!!!!
That was truly a Sunny day (inside anyways)
We had a great time & I wanted to let you see all of the pics, so if you can please go to

to see all of them, but here's a few to start (see above)

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