Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hi Everyone!
As you know I'm actively involved in the effort to bring #EllenToKW
The background story is here

So in order to get Ellen's attention Team #TiaraARMY (Diane, Linda, Beth & myself) went on a CHICKEN DANCE mission. It involved Facebook, Twitter & You Tube. Then the local radio, tv & newspaper got on board as well.

Now we just need to make sure the day's events reach Ellen DeGeneres.

Want to see what a fun day we had? Take a look

Now it wasn't all Traditional Chicken Dancing see what else happened

& to get an overall feel of what took place that day

It was so much fun! We are so glad the community came to support us! It hasn't been easy, like all things there's been "NAY" sayers so I keep my #TiaraARMY pals motivated with our new theme

Here's a quick vid of Linda's Thank-yous

& here's my list ...

(Pre Chicken Dance Prep Team)

Listed in order of apperance
Diane - for being my best pal & partaking in all of the craziness we cause
Linda - for coming up with all of this & letting me be apart of it all
Beth - for joining me on Twitter with all the @those2girls efforts
Alex - for saying YES to having his team perform for the event
Jenn - for lending me an dirndl
Sugar (Gay Isber) - for my Tiara
All my Facebook & Twitter Pals for helping me get the word out about our event

(During Chicken Dance)

All my pals that came & helped the effort by chicken dancing, videoing, carrying my stuff, ending up in random pics all over facebook & not being ashamed to be seem with me (that's the hardest part I think)

Listed alphabetically
Angel, Amy, Anthony, Carson, Deonne, Jacki, Melissa, Mallory, Nancy, Robbie & Terry

To everyone listed...
I wish I had bigger muscles so my hugs ment more & you truly know how much I appreciate all of you!

Okay so we're still keeping up with our attempts to get #EllenToKW

Keep watch at

as well as

& remember.....

that Ellen DeGeneres will respond to our #EllenToKW requests!

Think you can help with our 6 Degrees to Ellen? Do you know a way to get our messages to her? Please leave a Comment with your email. We truly want to hear from her!
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