For the holidays I wrote an article on AMotherWorld about celebrating your accomplishments rather than making resolutions (it's the article on the right side of the page).
I'm hoping to make a list for what I've accomplished for 2009, but I don't want to just toot my own horn, I want to crank it up & celebrate everyone's accomplishments!
I'm hoping all the bloggers out there will write a post about all that they've accomplished this year & post the link to their post in the comments section of this blog.
Then next week I can compile them all & we can have a little party here on my blog.
So what made you proud of yourself this year?
March Break, KW Titans, St. Patrick's Day and more March 2025 Stuff to do
in Kitchener Waterloo
Please check all the links listed as info tends to change without our
knowledge. We also suggest you go through the full list as some activities
1 week ago